Factoring at 100% of its potential

ARI TRADE is the only digital solution to bring together in a single interface all the parameters needed to optimise factoring programs, including credit insurance, regardless of the number of countries in which the company operates.

automatiserA consolidated view of receivables financing programs
automatiserOptimisation of financing quotas
automatiserSecuring financing
automatiserFine-tuned steering of receivables sales


  • Creation of assignment files in factor formats
  • Multi-contract and multi-currency group assignment
  • Automatic processing of cover requests via API
  • Management of insurer returns


  • Automatic analysis of your customer balances
  • Automatic detection and analysis of discrepancies (outstandings and credit limits)
  • Analysis of ceded / non-ceded activity


  • Encryption of exchanged data
  • Turnkey & on-premise installation


  • Elimination of manual processing
  • Combined management of credit insurance and factoring
  • Consolidated multi-contract dashboard
  • Update coverages via import files


  • Simple identification, qualification and selection of customers to be sold
  • Optimisation of disposal perimeters and financing in just a few clicks
  • Coverage updates via API
  • Consolidated view of customer risk coverage
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+ 33 6 79 79 02 80sales-digital@fibus.com
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  • By telephone on +33 (0)5 49 30 39 56 from Monday to Friday, 9am to 12.30pm and 2pm to 5.30pm,
  • By e-mail at support@fibus.com and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
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